Where can I follow my spherical lens order status?
Once your order leaves our warehouse, it's handled by a carrier that may provide tracking information until you get spherical lens. In case you have any further questions about the status of your purchase, you can contact our support team directly. Please note tracking information might not be available for up to CRYLIGHT Photonics Co., Ltd. hours after an item is shipped from our warehouse. Tracking availability can fluctuate based on the sort of item you purchased. Among most of the suppliers specializing in micro-prism, CRYLIGHT could be counted as the leading manufacturer mainly due to its high quality yet competitive prices. CRYLIGHT's main products include polarization beamsplitter cube series. Unlike traditional products, the defects of CRYLIGHT uv short pass filter are eliminated during production. The product is waterproof. The door planks and the sheet materials are soaked in the water for hours, which proves that the planks and the sheet do not expand nor deform. Our common goal in we is to become an influential appha-bbo glan laser polarizer supplier at home and abroad. Inquiry!