The manufacturing experience of
machine vision lenses can be illustrated through different aspects, like the optimal mix proportion of raw materials, process simplification, average proficiency of workers. Compared to other manufacturers, CRYLIGHT Photonics Co., Ltd. is more competitive in the operation of machines and management of quality control method. All these achievements contribute to improved production efficiency as well as productivity. The products are produced in a huge volume to have a more competitive price, gaining more attention from customers from different countries and regions.
CRYLIGHT is an expert supplier of polarization beamsplitter cube and has established large-scale factory. The
precision optics is one of the main products of CRYLIGHT. CRYLIGHT efficient NLO crystal is designed from the perspectives of structural and decorative levels. Structural design includes elements of shape, color, and lines, while decorative design concerns the aesthetics, such as printing. The long-wave pass filter with high-quality chips has low light decay and long service life. Moreover, the gloss is well-proportioned without light spots, and the light effect is good.
The principle of our company is always sticking to quality. We devote ourself to improving product quality throughout the whole production stages. They range from materials sourcing, manufacturing technologies and facilities to strict quality testing.