A clear vision is the most basic necessities of all. Spectacles have come a long way in helping us in correcting our vision problems. They have served us for more than 100 years now. But, spectacles come with many inherent problems. A specs wearer cannot involve in sports as much as others. There is always a fear of losing the specs during the play.
To overcome this problem, contact lenses have been introduced. These contacts are placed on the cornea of the eye itself. So, the risk of losing contacts is reduced very much. Contacts have been designed to overcome the above mentioned problems faced by specs wearers.
There are many kinds of contacts available today. The most common of them are disposable contacts, Frequent Replacement contacts and Traditional or reusable contacts. These disposable contacts include: Daily disposables, Weekly Disposables, Monthly disposables and Yearly Disposables.
Contact lenses have to be disposed off after the stipulated time that was given for them. This is because, due to regular use, many proteins, lipids, calcium and other substances buildup on the lenses. Cleaning them is an option, but even with regular cleaning, there is some amount of these substances which remain and they accumulate over time. With the accumulation, the contacts become more and more uncomfortable and in some cases they are responsible for eye infections.
Use of disposable contacts is one of the best choices open for contact lens users because of the accumulation of materials on the contacts. A regular replacement of at least 3 months is said to reduce the problem of accumulation and yield good results in terms of better eyesight.
Today, one can find many contact lens makers around the world of which Acuvue from Johnson & Johnson is one of the best brands. Johnson & Johnson is famous worldwide for its health care and baby care products. Acuvue lenses have entered into the world of contacts by manufacturing some of the best contacts in the world.
Hydraclear from Acuvue is a new material that is used in the making the lenses. Acuvue lenses made from Hydraclear provide a clear vision while remaining soft on the eye and lasting for a long time.