Ultrasound scans are most famous for their use


Physicians rely on the images that are captured during an ultrasound scan to help them get a clear picture of many vital organs. This can be used to show tumours in more detail. Doctors also use ultrasounds to help them see the condition of organs. Diagnosing liver diseases requires the use of detailed pictures. Ultrasonic waves are also used for their ability to break down a host of tumours. Doctors can use this technology to help dislodge a tumour and prepare patients for their chemotherapy. Gallstones and kidney stones can be broken up with ultrasonic waves, and patients are then able to pass these stones through their urinary tract.

Liposuction is another growing area that relies on ultrasonic technology. Many people rely on liposuction to help them sculpt their bodies. Lipoplasty relies on the use of a small suction device, called a cannula that removes the excess deposits of fat. Ultrasonic waves can accompany the cannulas used in these operations. The waves help to liquefy the fat, and this makes it easier for doctors to remove the deposits during a surgery.

Dentists also make use of ultrasonic technology to help them in a variety of their daily tasks. Ultrasonic waves can be used to help remove plaque and stains from the teeth. Cleaning the teeth in this way is quickly becoming the preferred method by dental hygienists. Bone formation is also facilitated with the use of ultrasonic technology. Dentists and doctors can both expose bones to high frequency waves, and the bones will be able to grow back quicker.

Industry uses the same technology that is more common in the health care field. Jewellers often have a similar machine that they use to clean crystals, optical lenses, jewellery and watches. A high frequency wave can remove the build-up of dirt that impairs the finish of older jewellery.

Animals can hear these low frequency sound waves and use the ultrasound vibrations to help them manoeuver. Flying bats rely on this technology to help them manoeuver in the dark. They have no eyes and can only see by bouncing sound waves off objects that are in their flight path. Dogs are tuned into these frequencies and can hear sounds that are out of the reach of human ears. Dolphins and whales communicate through the use of high frequency sound waves as well.

The medical profession has developed a number of uses for the technology that is found in ultrasound scans. Scanning is most often associated with pregnant mothers who are provided a clear look at their unborn babies. However, doctors can use this technology to help them get a clear image of any organ. Ultrasonic waves can be used to help bones regrow, clean teeth and break up tumours and gallstones in the body.

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