The health, beauty and aesthetics industry sector


As the industry is growing many salons in the UK are looking for good quality beauty treatments which have a great investment returns. Within the aesthetic industry there are certain products and treatments on the market which are booming. An example is the non-invasive aesthetic treatments. According to Biothecare Estetika more people are turning towards non-invasive cosmetic treatments as it achieves results with a shorter recovery time, as opposed to invasive surgery. It is reported in fact that the non-invasive aesthetics products and treatments market have grown over 40% since 2009.

Non-invasive treatments for your salon with Crystal Medical

Now is a great time to invest in non-invasive laser liposuction systems with Crystal Medical. Laser liposuction has gained huge impact within the media in recent times. Not only that but after 15 years of research, laser liposuction technology is now sophisticated and well developed. Our systems are of great medical grade quality and aesthetically pleasing which would fit into any luxurious salon. The new Sigma LumiLipo pro 108 can provide you with all you need to produce top quality results your clients will be looking for.

Non-invasive laser liposuction can be used to target those stubborn areas of fat such as on the thighs, arms, hips and waist. This is a quick, pain free alternative to any invasive procedure.

The system is designed for simple use. A simple routine procedure consists of placing up to four treatment pads containing the laser diodes are placed over the treatment area, secured in direct contact with the skin using elastic straps. Then two more laser probes are positioned onto the region of the lymphatic nodes closest to the treatment zone. Once all of the pads are in place, the client can get comfortable and just enjoy the treatment or choose to pamper themselves with another simultaneous treatment your salon may offer.


Our enigmatic systems allow us to provide you with the best quality products on the market. The Sigma LumLipo pro 108 is perfect to equip your salon with the following features:

Moreover our prices reflect the true value of a medical grade piece of equipment, and not merely a commercial value. No deposit rental now available.

View a fully comprehensive list of technical specifications at

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