The Aplanatic Lens was engineered by ESCHENBACH Optik


Equally, there are various means of achieving plop. These include Hand Held Magnifiers, Stand Magnifiers, Reading Glasses & Spectacle Magnifiers, Telescopes, Technical Magnifiers and Binoculars.

Nowadays, lenses are made of either glass or a class of plastic called acrylic.Glass lenses tend to render a clearer and better defined image because glass allows light to pass through more easily than the plastic substitute.

Glass mgnifiers can be quite heavy and are subject to breakage.

Most magnifying glasses for amateur use are made of acrylic. An Eschenbach Magnifier (and all other magnifying glasses) uses a convex lens to produce the enlarged image. 'Convex' means the lens bulges outward in the middle, as opposed to a concave lens, which narrows in the middle.

The precise means by which an escehnbach magnifier increases the optical size of an image is determined by the optical [strength of the lens, and the distance it is held from the object being viewed and from the eye. A typical Eschenbach Magnifier would be labeled to be around a 2X magnifier, which implies that an the object being viewed through the magnifier is doubled.Moving the lense closer and further away from the image being inspected will ensure that optimum image clarity and focus is achieved during the magnification process.A magnifying glass is simply a convex lens that one holds in front of the image that one want to see magnified. A magnifying glass is essentially a simple microscope.

The earliest documented magnifying glass was created by Alhazen, in 1021 a scientist of great regard in that era. His published works include The Book of Optics which outlined some of the chief principles of optics. Amongst which was 'a device for magnifying, a convext lens forming a magnified image' i.e. the world's first magnifying glass. The basic magnifier served as the source of inspiration for many other scientific inventions that helped the initiation of both biology and chemistry, most remarkably the microscope.Nowadays, other fields of science enjoy the direct benefits of the magnifying glass technology. For example geology, botany and entomolgy.

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