The foundation prism focuses more as an individual person and more of a human being tendency, than being a business man. The personal flow of thoughts of the individual contributes to the foundation level. The three sub levels of the foundation level are the basic principle, where a person helps himself, which thereby leads to helping others. If the foundation is laid right, you have crossed the first milestone of your business successfully.
The second from the bottom is the enterprise level, where we invest money and man power in our industry and thereby seeing small returns. When we take a step ahead from working for others to starting our own enterprise, we need to be good player, a best performer, as well a good conductor. Once this level is successfully through, you are eligible to reach the third and the top level of the prism, which is the alchemy level.
The alchemy level deals with the marketing techniques of a business. This is the level in which the rules of the game are laid, one after the other. The ruling capacity and the determination power of a person, as a marketer, grow at this level of the prism. This level has the complete controlling power, thereby forming the entire circle, which is called the 'Seal of Solomon'.
Every business man today will definitely have to fall under any of these levels of the prism. If you want to find out where you lie among these levels, you will have to go through the Wealth Spectrum test profile of Roger Hamilton. By identifying the level, you can work towards your growth record, thereby reaching the alchemy level of the prism. If you become the master of this top level, you can create magic with money. The entire power of market will be in your hands and you can wonders in the market and multiply your fame and money, through your business.