Nowadays there are very few gift items that can


Other than personalized wine glasses, we can also have personalized glassware of different designs such as the square double old fashioned glass, Pilsner glass, beer mug and even a personalized decanter/carafe. Such a personalized glass can be preserved as a souvenir or used at special occasions and parties. As a bridegroom you can give each of your best men such glasses as a token of appreciation for them being by your side on your wedding day. They are also excellent as graduation gifts.

As mentioned before, the best way to create personalized wine glasses is through etching them. This gives them a better and sharper look compared to having them branded using paints. The best way to do this is certainly through deep etching. The best personalized glass is one with a deep and intricate etching such that it will be clear and legible for all to see. There are various etching techniques used to achieve deep impressions on personalized glassware and they include laser, acid etching, and sand blasting/etching.

Personalized glassware etched using acid have the same outlook as car windows imprinted with the respective car's identification numbers. Hydrofluoric acid in liquid or gel form is applied to the glass and in the process it eats away at the exposed area of the glass. The engraving generated on personalized glass etched with acid can however not last many washes. The laser etching technique produces excellent personalized wine glasses but they tend to be expensive since the whole laser system is a capital intensive investment.

For personalized glass with deep etching that will not fade off with time, it is advisable to opt for sand etching/blasting. In this non automated technique, the glass to be personalized is covered with a protective material such as vinyl and the exposed areas are subjected to a pressurized stream of abrasives such as silicon carbide to etch the glass to a prescribed depth. Personalized glassware sets generated by this process acquire something close to a crystal cut and are really attractive. Personalized wine glasses etched using sand blasting are also more affordable compared to those produced by the laser technique.

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