Medical diagnostics is an important and ever growing


There are many manufacturers of these ruby ball lenses, who manufacture high precision balls using advanced imported technology from the world's leading market players. They use RoHS compliant raw materials from trusted suppliers and manufacture ball lenses at extreme inert and sterile atmosphere with good workforce and modern machinery. These companies have also branded their product globally and could be easily picked via the World Wide Web.

These market players manufacture glass ball lens at extreme thinness close to 0.25 mm and abide by the principle of 100% quality assurance. They also clean and polish the glass ball lens adequately for cleanliness before delivering the product. It is also essential that the products get packed in a 100% dust free atmosphere. Ruby and sapphire have been picked up for the preparation of these high precision balls as they are allotropes of aluminium oxide and because of their inert nature and high corrosive resistance. They can withstand very high temperature and could be polished with extreme corrosive agents because of their corrosive resistance.

Ceramic balls are used in industries where extreme material properties such as corrosion resistance and heat resistance are required by the element. Ceramic balls are preferred over ruby and sapphire as its density is 60% lower than other elements, this helps in reducing the centrifugal force and increases rotational speed. Ceramic balls also have less electrolytic corrosion which marks its indulgence in many industries. Ceramic also has complex pore structure which makes it an ideal filtering medium. For this reason it has been used in water purifiers and filters.

Sometimes, in optical instruments, need may arise to use hemispheres or half balls rather than full ball lens, especially when concave or convex lenses are desired to exactly vies the refractive index. In such cases, using high precision equipment and labour force, these ruby balls and ceramic balls can be cut to form half balls of 1.0 to 10.0 mm in diameter or at variant thickness as per customer requirements. All these require dedicated streamlines process with high precision and well-defined systems. Very few manufacturers in India are able to meet customer protocols and business needs. But the internet serves as our excellent source to pick up these market leaders for all our precision equipment and ball bearing needs.

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