For every manufacturer including CRYLIGHT Photonics Co., Ltd., quality assurance is important for building a reputable brand and gaining the trust of customers. Before shipping the spherical lens out of our factory, our quality checkers will perform multiple tests on the finished products, thereby, ensuring its stable chemical properties and outstanding physical performance to meet the requirements of the industry and international standards. Once defective products are found, they will be sent to the manufacturing workshops for re-processing immediately. They can't leave the factory until they fully meet the quality standards. CRYLIGHT is a leading brand in developing, manufacturing, and marketing of sapphire windows, and now it is becoming stronger to provide premium products. CRYLIGHT's main products include TeO2 crystal series. The design of CRYLIGHT antireflection follows the latest trends. The use of this product helps meet the need for social production. It not only improves productivity but also reduces labor costs. Our goal is to be the leading uv short pass filter manufacturer. Check it!