How can I get to know bk7 prism quality before placing an order?
Many quality related certificates are shown on CRYLIGHT Photonics Co., Ltd.'s official website. Photos about the prism production and tests are available on our official website. Salespersons may offer you certain product documents if they are required. Through these years, CRYLIGHT remains an expert of birefringent crystal. We are recognized as a powerhouse in this manufacturing industry. CRYLIGHT has created a number of successful series, and KTP Crystal is one of them. The product is not prone to fracturing caused by expansion. The materials used in it feature low water absorption, which prevents water or moisture from entering into the materials. The product has an important impact on production efficiency. With its high precision, it enables employees to work faster before the deadline. The guarantee of good service functions importantly during the development of CRYLIGHT. Please contact.