Healthy and youthful skin is not only relegated


Most people think that the only way to deal acne scarring and facial wrinkles is through invasive, expensive and painful surgeries. Thanks to advancements in laser skin resurfacing technology, you too can now taking advantage of the variety of options available to give your skin that youthful and healthy glow without the need to subject yourself to potentially dangerous procedures and shell out too much money.

Skin Discoloration

In order to fight those unsightly sun damaged skin discolorations in the skin, a typical IPL photo facial may not be sufficient enough or even cause additional damage to darker skin pigments. A pulsed dye laser uses yellow light frequencies to lighten age spots and sun spots. Often crystal microdermabrasion treatments are a subsequent treatment used to peel away the now dead surface skin to expose the healthier skins cells under it.

Loose Skin

For the treatment of forehead wrinkles, frown lines between eyebrows and laugh lines, these wrinkles respond well to micro injections of Botox cosmetics. Some practitioners prefer to use radio frequencies to heat the skin tissue and boost collagen production to address the finer wrinkles around the eyes. There is a procedure called photo facials that use intense pulse light to treat broken capillaries and boost collagen production in the areas of loose skin. This procedure signals the skin to repair itself with the use of increased heat energy in the form of short polychromatic pulses of high intensity light.

Acne Scar Removal

The severity of the scarring would determine the type of treatment used to treat acne scars. More gentle therapies like microdermabrassion and chemical peels are used for more superficial scarring. More moderately sever scars are treated with non-ablative lasers and a pulsed dye laser (PDL) that are very effective at removing the redness without damaging the top layers of skin.

Some of the best acne products in Storey County , are primarily designed to control oil production and address active acne using products with benzoyl peroxide to help deliver oxygen into the skin pores. This agent kill the acne bacteria but the product you use should also have an anti inflammatory agent to help keep swelling to a minimum.

Some people seek varicose veins treatment in NV which is beyond the scope of this article. Most Reno laser clinics that address skin rejuvenation also perform laser vein removal and scelerotherapy. Finding a laser skin spa near Tahoe ski resorts should be as easy as Googling your desire. Often the best skin care in Reno are also close to the Lake Tahoe region.

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