Any optical crystals factories instead of trading companies recommended?
It is important to understand which kind of provider you're seeking when sourcing in China. Should you consider purchasing optical crystals out of a Chinese maker, CRYLIGHT Photonics Co., Ltd. is obviously a choice for you. A factory usually provides more than a trading firm, customers will better understand that a manufacturer(mill )'s pricing structure, capacities and constraints - making current and future product development more smoothly. Among most of the suppliers specializing in efficient NLO crystal, CRYLIGHT could be counted as the leading manufacturer mainly due to its high quality yet competitive prices. birefringent crystal produced by CRYLIGHT is very popular in the market. CRYLIGHT micro lense is designed in accordance with international standards, using high grade raw material. Good temperature resistance capacity is one of its biggest points. Made of fireproof plates, it will not occur edge warping problem caused by high temperature. our team always adheres to the tenet of serving customers with high quality attitude. Get info!