CRYLIGHT Photonics Co., Ltd. always considers communicating through phone calls or video chat the most time-saving yet convenient way, so we welcome your call for asking for the detailed factory address. Or we've displayed our e-mail address on the website, you are free to write an E-mail to us about the factory address. We promise that we will send detailed address information with the company address and factory address included in the replies back to you as soon as possible. The factory is located in a place with convenient transportation, which allows customers to have the easiest access to it.

CRYLIGHT, excelling in the development and production of birefringent
crystals, has evolved into a credible and strong company. CRYLIGHT's main products include laser crystal series. The birefringent crystal is optimized with birefringent glass materials. The product helps optimize production processes, gain efficiency, and reduce manufacturing costs, which is a great favor for the business owners.

Satisfying customers with our considerate service and excellent micro prism is what CRYLIGHT has been striving for. Please contact us!